Healthcare Team Tech Resources

Form fields not vertically aligning with eachother

This happens in Chrome and some other browsers, it is a margin issue caused by the browser. To handle it, add this style to the stylesheet:

#NameofForm input, select, textarea {
	margin: 0px !important;

Where the ID is the ID of the form.

Form Show/Hide

SJHS Files Locations

Design Files
W:\_MEDICAL\SJHS\Final Design

W:\_MEDICAL\SJHS\Final Design\ SUBpage-Banners-SJO2012-4.psd

Underscore Equals True

underscore after [ dynamic_="true" ] parsed on the server side
underscore before [ _dynamic="true" ] parsed on the client side

XML Site Map


Tokens must be placed inside a module that is set to dynamic_="true" in the opening tag and must be set to read only.

If not set to read only, and it is edited in content view mode, the tokens will be parsed and their results will be saved when you save with the content editor. And if that content area is set to share site wide, when you save, it will save over the tokens for the whole site. Muy no bueno.

Token List

{CurrentPage:Path} Path to the current page, after the .com/

Link Submit Button

Links, or anchors, are easier to style and make look good than an input, so link submit buttons are simply better. Change your class to whatever you want for styling.

The code is commented out right below this text, grab it in HTML mode in the editor.

Test Credit Card

If you need to test a form which requires a credit card for a payment, you can use these fake numbers:

Expiration: 12/14
Security Code: 123

Accordion Lists

Use these on healthcare sites for good looking content lists. Good alternative to borning bullet or numbered lists, great for FAQ pages.

Customize this page and copy the module code at the bottom. Make sure to also copy the CSS styles in the systems.css stylesheet, and tweak the colors/fonts etc as needed to fit the site you're using this on.

Common Chooch-isms

Don't touch the keg.

  • If you touch the keg, you buy the next one.
  • MMMmmm beer.
  • We're out already?!
  • It's beer-o-clock.

I'll be gone on a video trip.

  • I'll be gone from January 1st to December 31st

Content Content yay

Suspendisse arcu elit, lobortis at commodo id, sodales et diam. Aliquam dolor orci, sagittis in tincidunt porttitor, vestibulum a purus. Integer pellentesque laoreet luctus. Ut id odio odio. Donec a enim ac nisi sagittis pharetra id at nulla. Ut id suscipit mi. Curabitur eget dolor diam, eget commodo erat. Pellentesque risus risus, tempor nec egestas sed, semper quis enim. Nam mi metus, rhoncus nec ultricies sit amet, pretium et sapien.

Nunc et orci vestibulum risus auctor pulvinar sit amet nec nisi. Sed varius, sapien vitae interdum luctus, magna lectus consequat odio, ut tempor urna neque id ante. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla magna purus, lacinia a egestas sit amet, vulputate nec nisi. Cras rhoncus aliquet quam vitae dictum. Proin pharetra magna ac est sagittis porttitor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris hendrerit posuere cursus. In consequat posuere suscipit.


  • Bird, you ate all the donuts?! You're cut off.
  • Bird, answer my emails.