Below is your Urchin login information for your websites. *Please keep this email for future reference.



Please log in to Urchin, click on your domain name, then under All Reports navigate to "Marketing Optimization" à Unique Visitor Tracking à "Visits & Pageview Tracking"

This will be the main location of the site you will be using. You can compare charts month to month, per day, etc. to tell you how many visits and page views your site is getting using the calendar function on the left.

  • The first graph shows you how many visit's you got per day.
  • The second graph shows you how many pages a client clicked on when they visited your site.
  • The third graph shows the average pages viewed per visit.

*It is good to see the graphs inclining.

The second place that is important to view is the keywords that prospective clients are typing in to navigate to your site.

All Reports à "Marketing Optimization" à "Search Engine Marketing" à "Overall Keyword Conversion"

The pie chart shows you the different terms people typed in to find your site. This information is useful because you can see how well your site is ranking with various optimization keywords.

Also, if you click below on "CPC vs Organic Converstion" this will tell you which search engine programs are used to find your site (Google typically ranks highest).